NOSHOK'S COVID-19 Response
KING-GAGE compressed air filter car­tridges are available in different grades. Recommended options are listed below. Our Ultra-C and Type 750/800 cartridges meet the particulate require­­ments of ISO 8573-1 (ISO 8573-1:2010 specifies purity classes of compressed air with respect to particles, water and oil independent of the location in the compressed air system at which the air is specified or measured. ISO Class noted is for particulate removal only.) Quality Class 1 spec­ification for compressed air. Type 300/300 cartridge sets provide lower pressure drop in app­lications and meet ISO 8573-1 Quality Class 3 specification for partic­ulate removal.
Unit of Measure



Cartridge Set

Flow Rate

80 scfm

Filter Rating

0.1 µm


99.998 %


Type 750 Scrubber
Type 800 Polisher

Additional Information

Additional Information

KING filter cartridge elements provide equal efficiency regardless of flow rate. Filtering efficiency does not diminish during the life of the cartridges so you can be assured of consistent performance and air quality.

Without question, most compressed air systems contain solid and liquid contaminants that affect performance and increase wear on equipment. Precision pneu­matic instrumentation includ­ing KING-GAGE tank level gauging systems require clean, dry, and oil-free compressed air for trouble free operation.